How To Get Rid of Acne, Finally. (Part 3 of 3)

How To Get Rid of Acne, Finally. (Part 3 of 3)

Who knew there were so many things you could be doing to make your skin stunning and blemish free from the inside out? So many herbs, drinks, vitamins, and tecniques! Burdock root, Chlorophyll, Turmeric, Aloe juice, Probiotics …all that you’ve probably seen so many times laying on the shelves of health stores completely intimidated about their mysterious secrets. We finally have become the secrets' master! But aside from all the super cool benefits we can get from these, there are also lifestyle factors that can harm our skin making it look less than the beautiful way nature intended. We now break down our top tips for incredible skin for decades to come!

11- Beauty sleep comes early

We all go through this. We want to go to bed early every night and then between our busy schedules and our love for late night TV, we end up going to bed way too late. Aghhh!! We have good intentions but we can’t manage to get the time or will to hit the sack at a decent hour. But now there’s a beauty reason to do it. Turns out that it is between 10pm and 2am that your cells go into repair mode. During this block of time you also produce the highest amount of melatonin. Melatonin activates the growth hormone, which is the main responsible for the anti-aging hormone. Will that make you chase your zzzz faster? It certainly will!

12- Don’t over scrub

So you see your face is oily and you scrub it like it’s the baking pan of the thanksgiving dinner leftovers! You scrub and wash profusely in the hopes all that shine will go away. And what happens is the opposite. Your skin gets oilier and irritated. So you scrub some more, and you get even oilier. It’s exhausting. What happens is that your skin is smart and protective so when it feels it’s drying out, it compensates by going into overdrive. So be gentle with yourself and only wash morning and night with lukewarm water and always moisturize even if you have oily skin so it can start to balance itself.

13- Meditate & glow

It’s almost impossible to believe that your mind can control how gorgeous your skin looks but if you’re skeptical surely you’ve seen the reverse. Stress makes you look older and tired so imagine doing the contrary to the point where you completely transform your cells and tissues for total skin rejuvenation. Your complexion reflects everything that is happening on the inside, including your mind and soul. When you put mind at peace, vibrant energies inside you get released into your system, making you happier, healthier, and radiant.

14- Check your drinking water

If you’re drinking 8 glasses of water a day, kudos to you! You’re doing great! However, you may not know that water (tap or bottled) that is regarded as pure, may be far from it. Some “healthy” bottled water can be doing more harm than good if you have acne. Chlorine levels have been found very high in some brands, which can wreak havoc to your skin due to the allergic reaction that manifests in blemishes. Other contaminants found in tap water that you need to look out for are fluoride, heavy metals, disinfection byproducts and even residue of pharmaceutical drugs. Help! Just add a filter or be very choosy about the brands of water you drink since this is one of the foundations for great health and skin.

15- Ayurveda, Ayur whaaa?

As an ancient form of health system in India, Ayurveda has been around for centuries treating not just diseases but preventing them before they start. The science treats the body with all of nature’s wisdom in order to help us reach our full potential of perfect health. One of the most important focus within Ayurveda is in the digestive process. You may think that you’re eating healthy foods but if you’re not digesting them properly, you’re not being nourished. A couple of great tips for improved digestion are taking pancreatic enzymes and ingesting your foods and liquids at room temperature so as not to shock the system and disrupt the process. You will be surprised how your complexion will improve by correcting the important step of digestion.

Congratulations! You have now officially finished the 3 week course with all 15 tips that will help you get rid of acne for good! Apply one or apply them all and you will now have a treatment in place without causing any harm to your health. Also, if you want to step up you can add a topical treatment for faster results with key ingredients such as Salicylic acid, Glycolic acid, or Oxo-Chloro Complex.

Live beautiful & clear!