6 Tips For Valentine's Day (or any day!)

6 Tips For Valentine's Day (or any day!)

Let’s face it, preparing yourself for Valentine’s Day is way more than just about giving cards and chocolates. Men don’t know this, but other areas need to get our attention too so we can make our beauty seem completely effortless! By the end of this blog, we’ll make you feel (& look) like you’re walking around with your very own Instagram filter. Skin, hair, makeup, and body will be so picture perfect that your special someone won’t even know if it’s you or a Victoria Secret model. Your best YOU is on its way!

Skin Preparation

You’ve probably heard the old wives tale about never doing anything to your skin the same day of an important event in case your skin overreacts. We’ll, we’re here to say, this tale is right on the money. And by money, we mean your face. The truth is, skin can sometimes be unpredictable, even more so than hair (unless you live in Florida!). When it comes to skin, you want to treat it on the same week but not on the day of.

1. Exfoliation

Just as that old wives tale go, exfoliation is one of those treatment you don’t want to get the same day you’re going on your date. You must, never ever, EVER exfoliate or do microdermabrasion on the same day you need to look perfect. Because you just don’t know if your face will settle down in time for makeup. Just start a routine that week where you do soft scrubbing 1 or 2 times leading into the big day. Remember you should not be using the same exfoliant on your body than you use for your face.

2. Massage

To start preparing the skin, there’s nothing better than going to a spa and getting a face and body massage. If you’re too busy, no worries, you can do this yourself. Using the tips of your fingers massage your skin in circular motion and always going upwards. You can use Argan oil for dry skin or cotton extract lotion for sensitive/oily skin.

3. Face Relaxer

A deep relaxing mask that helps you start getting in the mood is the famous dark chocolate mask. It’s easy to make and hydrates your skin very well. To prepare just take a small bowl and pour 4 ounces of dark unsweetened chocolate and melt it in the microwave. It shouldn’t get too hot. Then add 1 tablespoon of almond oil and one egg yolk. Mix it up and spread over your face and neck. Leave it on for 15 minutes and rinse with lukewarm water. The only danger here is you may be tempted to lick some of it. We won’t judge :)

4. The Body

Nothing makes us feel more beautiful than when we’re confident with the way our bodies look. Unfortunately, it’s not every day that we feel like Beyoncé. The good news is we can now get a super smooth tightened look with great new technologies in skin care. Thank you modern medicine! The key is going for products with potent and targeted ingredients such as CoAxel complex which acts as a fat burning furnace. You can find it in the Body Contouring Serum. (click here)

5. Hair Removal

Hair removal, epilation, depilation… call it what you want, you need to get this done! There’s nothing that makes you more irresistible to the opposite sex than baby smooth skin that is completely hair free. Laser is the craze that it’s here to stay. Yes it’s expensive, but well worth it because it’s the only treatment that eliminates hair for good, and the follicles die forever. But if you decide to go for the old school route of shaving or waxing, it’s ok too. Whatever road you take, tackle that hair like your life depends on it. We guarantee your rewards will be well worth the pain. Razor anyone?

6. Hair Care

Ahhhh, lustrous bouncy locks. Everyone wants them but not everybody’s got them. Good news is most people can get them! You need to give some TLC to that hair the day before your date with a super-rich shine promoting hair mask. Notice we said “the day before” because as any celebrity stylist will tell you, hair is best on the second day after shampooing it. Now back to your gorgeous tresses. Here’s the top hair mask for you: blend one ripe banana, 1 tablespoon of raw honey, and 1 table spoon of olive oil. Put on shower cap and leave on for 30 minutes. Shampoo, rinse, and style as usual. “Usual” meaning a nice soft blowout for frizz free bed head.

Now keep in mind that less is more here and you shouldn’t overdo it with heavy makeup or crazy flowery perfumes because you already look gorgeous. Also, don’t forget the #1 secret ingredient…your femininity. Smile, have fun with it, and feel the love!

Happy Valentine’s Day!