Skin Care 101: Proper Order to Apply
Skin care 101 – what is the proper order to apply your skin care products.
So many products and so many theories. How does one really know what the best order is to apply your skin care? Have you ever just asked yourself… Where do I even begin? It’s a good thing you came to Wilma Schumann, where our philosophy is Simple. Effective. Results. and this is not just a catchy slogan, which it is, but also what we stand for. So, here you go it is as simple as this…
- 1)Cleanser – this is to remove the dead skin cells, remove dirt and unclog the pores, want to be sure you have a nice clean palette to start with.
- 2)Toner – often forgotten, a good toner removes excess cleanser, balances pH and provides a pre-moisturizer base.
- 3)Serum – known as the horsepower in skin care offers you nourishment, collagen boosters, oxygenators with fast penetrating capabilities. Did you know they can be layered? A topic all on its own which we will get to, we promise…
- 4)Crème – hydration time! To be used by those that require additional hydration, normal to dry skin to be exact and for folks that live in the colder climates.
- 5)Sunscreen – now that you have done all this work to the skin, you need to protect it from future sun damage and environmental breakdown by using a sunscreen with at least 20 SPF protection.
See how Simple. that was!
This is What Wilma Schumann suggests – Now you know the order. But what products do you need? Again, we have made it Simple. Click here, answer a few questions, and the system will output a list of recommended products. It will take no more than 2 minutes and it will be as if a professional came to you to examine your skin. Give it a try what do you have to lose?